Blue Flames ئاپەکان

The Holy Spirit 1.1
Blue Flames
Get answers to questions about The Holy Spirit, like who is He,whyis He here and why you absolutely need him. See how youcanexperience God's Love for you through the Gift of His HolySpirit.Watch as He makes Jesus more than just a character in theBible,but someone real and personal to you. Myths surroundingtopics likespeaking in tongues and operating in the gifts aredebunked withscriptural proof. The information here is both freeand priceless.You are encouraged to study through this app inchunks over aperiod of time as opposed to reading through it as abunch ofinteresting stories. This app covers topics like ☞  Who isthe HolySpirit ☞  Why do you need the Holy Spirit ☞  Myths aboutthe HolySpirit ☞  How to receive the Holy Spirit ☞  How to hearfrom andspeak back to God ☞  How to build a relationship with Himover time☞  How to how to identify and operate in your spiritualgifts ☞ What is good fruit ? How to bear good fruits ☞  Why are youNOTreceiving the Holy Spirit If taken seriously, your life willneverbe the same again and you will become a blessing toyoursurroundings and over time become a vessel through whichheavenflows into the earth. The Holy Bible is used as the absolutesourceof truth and several illustrations and stories from the Biblearepresent throughout the content to show you how the HolySpiritoperates. Real Life stories from many people fromdiversebackgrounds and situations are shared to encourage andmotivateyou. Every topic covered in this App has a Life Applicationthatyou should be able to take and apply in your own life. Acarefullycurated list of videos explaining the various topicscovered in theapp are shared for those who prefer learningvisually. These videossupplement the content and offer insightsfrom men and women of Godwho have fellowshipped with the HolySpirit for years. This tinyapp has more than 50 hours of contentthat can keep you engaged andgets updates both in terms of newfeatures and content. It isdesigned to operate with minimalpermissions and all data exceptvideos are cached so you can use itoffline. It is optimized to useminimum memory and space whilegiving you an experience you cannotforget. Freely have youreceived; freely give. -- Matthew 10:8 Theabove verse is theessence of the efforts that went into buildingthis app. The appitself is and always will be fully Free and OpenSource, it islicensed under the MIT License so you can view, editand contributeback to the codebase if you are interested.